RELEM – Rome

Desde principios de setiembre de 2015 los despachos de la RELEM se han desplazado a Roma en los locales que la Casa Generalícia ha puesto a su disposición.

El Hermano Aidan Kilty, consejero general para la región, así como el Hno. Miquel Àngel Barrabeig residirán desde ahora en Roma. El Hermano Jean-François Morlier sigue colaborando desde la Comunidad de Hermanos de Saint Denis. El Hermano Lorenzo Tébar se ha reincorporado a ARLEP, su Distrito de origen y forma parte de la comunidad del sector de Valencia

La comunicación con RELEM desde ahora se pueden hacer por:

Correo postal:

Casa Generalizia – RELEM
476 Via  Aurelia CP 9099 (Aurelio) – 00165 Roma, ITALIA

Correo electrónico:

Hermano  Aidan Kilty:

Equipo RELEM:

El equipo actual de la RELEM expresa su profunda gratitud al Distrito de Francia y a la Comunidad  de Hermanos de Saint Denis por su acogida fraternal durante varios años.

Depuis  le  premier septembre 2015 , la RELEM  a transféré  ses   bureaux   à Rome  dans  des locaux mis à disposition par  la  Maison Généralice  de L’Institut.

Le Frère  Aidan Kilty  conseiller général pour la région  ainsi  que le Frère Miquel Angel Barrabeig  résident  désormais  à Rome. Le Frère Jean- François Morlier, quant à lui, poursuit  sa collaboration  à partir  de la Communauté des Frères de Saint Denis. Le Frère Lorenzo Tébar  a rejoint l’ ARLEP,  son District d’origine  et est membre de la  communauté du secteur de Valencia

Les  communications avec la RELEM  se   font  désormais  de la façon suivante :

Courrier postal :

Casa Generalizia – RELEM
476 Via  Aurelia CP 9099 (Aurelio) – 00165 Roma, ITALIA

Pour le courrier   électronique :

Frère  Aidan Kilty:

Equipe RELEM:

L’équipe actuelle  de la RELEM exprime  ses  chaleureux remerciements  au District de France  et à la Communauté des Frères de Saint Denis pour leur accueil  fraternel durant de nombreuses années.

On September 1st, RELEM transferred its offices to Rome where it will be housed in offices made available by the Mother House of the Institute.

From now on, Brother Aidan Kilty, General Councillor with responsibility for the Region, as well as Brother Miquel Àngel Barrabeig, will be resident in Rome. As for Brother Jean-François Morlier, he will continue his work for RELEM from the Brothers’ community in St Denis, Paris. Brother Lorenzo Tébar has returned to the District of ARLEP, his District of origin, and now is a member of the community in Paterna in the Sector of Valencia.

Communication with RELEM can be made in the following way in the future:

By Post:

Casa Generalizia – RELEM
476 Via Aurelia CP 9099 (Aurelio) – 00165 Roma, ITALIA

By Email:

Brother Aidan Kilty:


The RELEM Team would like to express its warm appreciation to the District of France and, in particular, to the Brothers’ Community in St Denis, Paris, for the fraternal welcome it received over many years.


Le dimanche 6 septembre 2015, en soirée, les lasalliens du Liban se sont retrouvés au Collège Mont La Salle pour exprimer leur amitié et leur reconnaissance envers le Frère Régis Robbe, Visiteur sortant, qui les a accompagnés dans leur cheminement durant 12 ans et saluer le Frère Fadi Sfeir, nouveau Visiteur, qui prendra la relève à la tête du District du Proche-Orient.

La messe d’action de grâce fut célébrée par les Pères Fadi Jandah et Jordi Diaz Moix, prêtre de passage parmi nous, en présence du Père Boutros Azar, Secrétaire Général des Ecoles Catholiques du Liban, des parents de F. Fadi, des Frères du Secteur, des directeurs lasalliens et des associés. Dans son mot, Frère Emile a remercié F. Régis pour tout ce qu’il a fait pour le Liban durant 12 ans.

A la fin de la messe, Frère Régis a transmis le flambeau à Frère Fadi, signe de la lumière du Christ et manifestant la confiance des Frères, des lasalliens et des pauvres.

En prenant la parole, après la messe, au Vitalium de Mont La Salle, Frère Régis a remercié les organisateurs de la soirée. Il fut particulièrement touché par les paroles exprimées par tous les directeurs lasalliens. Il a souhaité à tous de continuer à travailler ensemble pour la mission. C’est avec humilité qu’il a ensuite demandé pardon à tous les présents.

Il a profité de l’occasion pour adresser ses remerciements au Frère Jean-Claude Hérault, secrétaire, au Frère Habib Zraibi, économe, et au Frère Émile Akiki, Coordinateur des Frères, avec lesquels il a travaillé plus étroitement.

Il a finalement rendu grâces au Seigneur pour tout ce qu’Il lui a accordé durant ce service des Frères et a assuré de sa prière Frère Fadi.

Deuxième session du Chapitre de District à Borg El Arab (Egypte)

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for this opportunity to offer you a few reflections on these last few days with you in this beautiful setting. I have visited the College of St Marc before but this is the first time that I have come to this centre that is ideal for reflection and discussion, for prayer, for your District retreat, and also for relaxation. Congratulations to Brother Georges and all responsible for the vision and the implementation of this project. It is a wonderful asset for the District and for the local Church and you are lucky to have it as a resource.


In the first place, I want to thank Brother Regis for the invitation to join you for this second session of your Chapter and to all of you, my Brothers, for your friendly and Lasallian welcome. I have felt very much at home among you and it has been a delight for me to meet friends of many years as well as to encounter new friends. I have had the privilege of visiting your District on previous occasions as Secretary of Formation and, in consequence, I have some knowledge and experience of the wonderful educational work for which the District is responsible in each of the Sectors of your District. I want you to know that, at the Centre of the Institute, your contribution to the Lasallian mission, especially to those most in need, and your commitment and contribution to inter-religious dialogue (evident again during the discussions of these days), is recognised and greatly appreciated particularly in these very difficult times for all Sectors of your District.

I congratulate you on the fraternal ambiance that has characterised your discussions during these days, for the open and free exchange of views, and for your willingness to listen respectfully to each other – at times at some length! I was very pleased and impressed by the way the work of your Chapter responded so directly to the directives of the General Chapter. I am convinced that our most important contribution to the Lasallian mission today has much to do with the quality of our witness as consecrated religious, disciples of Jesus in the tradition of St La Salle, committed to serve young people, especially those in need, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. Without a personal relationship with the God of Jesus Christ, nourished by significant moments of personal and community prayer – which, we know was the experience of our Founder – all our strategies, plans, programmes and lines of action have little meaning. They are like words from an empty soul. Consequently, I was very pleased with the emphasis during these days on personal and community revitalisation which, unlike many Chapter propositions, calls for personal and community commitment and engagement, to on-going personal reflection on the tension between “doing and being”, to the responsible personal use of new technologies, to the cultivation of real relationships rather than virtual relationships, to the support of the first of “those confided to my care” in my community which, I think, is often more difficult than supporting those “confided to my care” on Facebook or other social media.

As I mentioned above, in all of the Sectors of your District you are providing significant educational service to young people but I was impressed by the evident desire of many of you to find more creative ways of “going beyond the borders” to respond, in your own locality, to the needs of those young people displaced by war or ravaged by poverty or neglect. There is clearly a great sensitivity among you for those young people in all forms of difficulty and a genuine concern to protect and proclaim their rights in all our educational centres and beyond. Your willingness as a District to engage in the “Fratelli Project” is already a sign of this desire to respond to immediate educational needs but it was evident from your discussion that the vision of many of you is not limited simply to the “Fratelli Project”. Clearly, commitment to any such project has to be based on adequate discernment and a prudent awareness of the resources of the District, both with regard to personnel and finance, but it is important to remember that the Gospel calls us to generosity from our poverty, not from our richness or surplus.

I also commend your attention in the Chapter to the support, accompaniment and formation not only of the Brothers but especially of your lay colleagues without whom the Lasallian mission is not sustainable. Hence, the importance of effective, participative and collaborative MEL structures, both at Sector and District level, to prepare and animate leaders committed to developing the Lasallian identity of our centres into the future. It is true that your resources in terms of Brothers are limited, and that, in consequence, you have to re-examine the nature and effectiveness of your vocations’ programme, but it is also important to realise that the District has also been blessed abundantly with so many committed lay partners who make the Lasallian mission their own.

I am aware that, as we come to the end of this Chapter, we are also approaching the end of Brother Regis’ mandate as Visitor and so, on behalf of the Institute, I want to take this opportunity to thank him officially for his years of leadership of the District of Proche Orient. Despite what some people may think, leadership is never easy but he has fulfilled his responsibility with great commitment to the Lasallian mission, with attentiveness to Brothers and lay partners throughout the District, and with sensitivity and tact in difficult situations – and always with gentleness and good humour founded on the spirit of faith. Regis, we are grateful for all you have done, we hope you will have some time for your own physical and spiritual nourishment, and we wish you well wherever the Lord takes you on your Lasallian journey.

And, as Brother Regis’ mandate finishes so Brother Fadi’s begins in September. I am grateful to him for his willingness to assume the responsibilities of leadership and I know that he will be blessed in the challenges ahead, many of which have been identified during these last few days. But he will undoubtedly need your help and collaboration in so many different ways. In the last few days, you as a Chapter have indicated the road-map for the District for next four years – it is important to highlight that it is your road-map. You have to negotiate it together. You have to implement it together with Brother Fadi as your Visitor. Sometimes Capitulants are very good at producing work for others – especially for the Visitor and the Council! I hope you realise that in this Chapter your have produced significant work for yourselves. All of you have the responsibility to work together to implement what you have planned for your District. I hope you can embrace this new beginning with enthusiasm and creativity, with fraternal collaboration and teamwork; in other words, with the zeal and the spirit of faith worthy of followers of St John Baptist de La Salle.

Thank you again for your welcome and God bless you in the work ahead.

Br. Aidan Kilty

Together as Brothers: Camino to Begin July 14

Brothers and young men in discernment from the Lasallian Region of North America (RELAN) and the District of Spain (ARLEP) will begin their 10-day journey on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela July 14, 2015. Lasallians back home can follow participants on their journey through the Camino blog.

The experience, themed Together as Brothers, will provide participants the opportunity to journey together, both physically and spiritually. The participants will begin walking the ancient pilgrimage route in Mondoñedo, Spain, on July 14, 2015, concluding at the Shrine of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on July 21. They will cover more than 100 miles over eight days of walking.

The idea for the pilgrimage along the Camino was conceived during the 45th General Chapter and also coincides with the Year of Consecrated Life.

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