Amman: Réunion du Conseil du District de Proche Orient

Le 61e Conseil FEC de District s’est tenu du 26 au 28 février 2016 au Collège De La Salle – Amman (Jordanie), sous la présidence du F. Visiteur Fadi Sfeir.
Tous les Conseillers ont pu être présents : F. Habib Zraïbi, Econome de District, F. Georges Absi, F. Rafael Gonzalez, F. Emile Akiki, Coordinateurs des Secteurs Egypte, Terre-Sainte/Jordanie, Liban, F. Pierre Caporal, Turquie, F. Sameh Farouk, Egypte, F. Daoud Kassabry, Terre-Sainte, F. Arsenio Carpintero, Liban, Conseillers du District.

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Ce furent des journées studieuses permettant d’aborder tout ce qui constitue la vie du District dans une ambiance empreinte de fraternité. Le F. Jean-Claude Hérault y participait aussi en tant que secrétaire du District.
La Communauté du Collège a facilité par son accueil chaleureux le bon déroulement du Conseil.

Cinq semaines à Malte pour les Bac Pro de La Salle – Passy Buzenval

Rueil-Malmaison. Les élèves de 1ère ELEEC en section européenne ont effectués les quatre semaines de leurs périodes de formation en milieu professionnel (PFMP) sur l’île de Malte. Découverte !


Plus ambitieuses que de simples stages, ces périodes impliquent un rapport particulier avec l’entreprise. Les élèves y appliquent ce qu’il ont appris au lycée et développent surtout des compétences professionnelles qui ne peuvent être exercées qu’au contact de l’entreprise. Les PFMP sont évaluées à l’examen du Baccalauréat.

À La Salle – Passy Buzenval, une partie des élèves de 1ère ELEEC (Électrotechnique, Énergie et Équipements Communicants) sont inscrits en section européenne. Certains cours d’électrotechnique sont assurés en anglais par le professeur. Pour ces jeunes, les quatre semaines réglementaires de PFMP ne pouvaient être ordinaires ! Les voilà partis pour Malte, pays anglophone. Après une semaine de découverte de l’île et de la vie locale, chacun a rejoint une entreprise pour y travailler. Deux professeurs ont fait le déplacement pour vérifier les conditions de vie et d’encadrement sur place et s’assurer des contenus de la formation en milieu professionnel.

La voie professionnelle mérite d’être mieux connue : elle offre des parcours d’études originaux et permet aux jeunes d’élargir leurs horizons. Au soleil de Malte, ceux-ci formeront peut-être le projet d’une carrière internationale.

Lasallian Intercontinental Collaboration Project: California-Romania

The title sounds pompous, doesn’t it? But it really happened. The State of California, U.S.A. , represented by students and two professors from St Mary’s College of La Salle University, came to Europe, even as far as Iasi in Romania and spent a few weeks in LaSalle Boys Home, run by the Association of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.


The purpose of this collaboration was for the University students to complete the stage of international voluntary service required by the academic programme for January in the academic year. The students are given the opportunity to choose from a series of socio-educative project in different continents: Africa, Asia, Europe or Central America. Anne Whipple and Jin Su Seo opted to go to Iasi in Romania, to a Boys’ Home. They were accompanied by two professors/monitors, Jane Joyce and Ginny Prior. The two students are in the last year of study at St Mary’s College of the LaSallian University in San Francisco. The statue of their Patron St John Baptist de la Salle standing in front of the College Chapelbears St Mary’s Motto “Enter to Learn, leave to serve”.

To prepare for their graduation and to follow the College Motto, Anne and Jin chose to do their voluntary service helping the boys and young men with social and educational problems who are being looked after by the Brothers in their Home. They participated in the daily activities, assisted the educational team wherever needed, engaged the boys in English conversation, experienced a new culture and religion. In addition, they had time to enjoy the beauty of the region.

The positive experience of these two students has opened the way for further collaboration of this type. This first presence of two American students at the LaSalle Home has impressed the boys here in many ways, as shown by the expressions used even in writing: “A group of American volunteers has stayed with us and their presence among us was a great pleasure. We really enjoyed having them with us, sharing the time with us, making it easier for us to learn English. We would be glad to welcome them again. We are grateful.” “What I liked most was that I learnt English better with them, being deeply impressed by the patience they showed with us. Most of all I liked Ginny since she was so patient and understanding with me and the others; I became very attached to her. I hope she returns next year to continue to help us.” “At first, they seemed strange to me because they did not understand a single word of our language. But we quickly began to understand each other better because they were so willing to communicate with us. They also got involved wholeheartedly in our activities and followed the rules much better than we did. They proved they were very well educated, setting a very good example for all of us.” “The American volunteers worked very hard and they were happy to join in our games in spite of the age difference. Though this was their first visit, they settled in quickly to help us, and I liked that very much. I would like more American volunteers to visit us as that would help me to learn English better.”

Jin Su, Anne, Jane and Ginny also visited the Technological High School “Saint John Baptiste de La Salle” from Pildesti. The time spent there was a great experience for the high school students. They had the chance to interact with persons from another part of the world and to experience a reality a bit different than theirs. The students were excited to meet Jin and Anne; they welcomed them with open arms and had a lot of questions. Anne and Jin were happy to answer to all their questions and felt the students’ hospitality every step of the way. Jin and Anne shared information about their time at Saint Mary’s College and wanted to know more about the Romanian high school life. They took a tour of the school and interacted with a great part of the students and with the teachers.

They also had the opportunity to go in a small local trip. The brothers’ community from Pildesti wanted them to experience a bit more of our culture and traditions so together with some students they went to visit the home of one of our greatest writers, Ion Creanga, and one of our most beautiful monasteries, The Agapia Monastery. The brothers wanted to give them a little taste of our great history so they also visited The Neamt Fortress.


During the trip the brothers and the students from Pildesti had the chance to interact with Anne, Jin Su, Jane and Ginny a little more and they had a wonderful time together. They really felt the connection between them and they had a great time comparing the differences and similarities from our countries. They felt they each gained something from their experience together and they really hope they will have the chance to meet them again and also many other members from our community all around the world.

Br. Iosif Beda – Prof. Alina Blaj

Día de las Letras en el Colegio La Salle de Los Corrales de Buelna

El día 19 de febrero, hemos celebrado en nuestro colegio el “Día de las Letras de Cantabria”, en su 5ª edición.

Se trata de una referencia anual para recordar, o dar a conocer, los valores literarios de los escritores cántabros.

Se celebra el 19 de febrero por ser el día de la festividad de Beato de Liébana, primer autor de textos, en castellano, documentado en Cantabria.
Este curso, 2015-2016, hemos elegido a una mujer, Doña Concha Espina; por tratarse de una autora universal en su tiempo, cosmopolita, viajera y luchadora por hacerse sitio, como mujer, en el mundo de la literatura. Buena conocedora del mundo y de la actualidad de su época, asuntos que reflejó en sus cuentos, artículos periodísticos y novelas.

Las actividades realizadas han girado en torno al conocimiento de su vida y su obra, de la que hemos ofrecido a nuestros alumnos una muestra de cada tipo de escritos que realizó. En novela, hemos leído el argumento y leído parte del primer capítulo de “La niña de Luzmela”, de sus artículos periodísticos, el comienzo de “Las espigas de Ruth” en el que la autora trata el tema del feminismo y de sus “Pastorelas”, “El rústico montañés”, donde la autora hace un certero retrato psicológico del “labriego montañés de hoy, en el que duermen el caballero, el marino y el soldado de ayer…”

Las actividades han sido realizadas en todas las secciones del colegio, CCFF, ESO, EP y EI; adaptadas a los distintos niveles y edades, ya que esta actividad está incluida en el PLC, Proyecto Lingüístico del Centro.

Al final hemos hecho entrega de un marca páginas conmemorativo a todos los alumnos.

La Clau de Joves La Salle de Catalunya

Els grups de lleure de La Salle Catalunya s’han aplegat aquest cap de setmana a La Salle Reus per celebrar la tradicional festa de La Clau que enguany commemorava 25 anys de l’associació. Més de 370 persones entre infants, joves, monitors i Germans han participat de dos dies de festa, jocs i pregària.


Dissabte els participants van descobrir que per celebrar una data tan especial s’havia fet un gran pastís, que era el fil conductor de les activitats; els “vells de Joves La Salle” no volien que es celebrés res, i calia l’ajuda de tothom per canviar les seves idees. Una tarda de gimcana, descoberta de Reus, tallers, paintball, pinyates i geocaching va donar pas al sopar i la pregària. Els participants van rebre un got com a record sorpresa, i la nit va acabar amb un correfoc ple de ritme i força.

Diumenge tothom va rebre amb sorpresa la desaparició de pastís d’aniversari, els “vells de Joves La Salle” l’havien amagat. Només el tornarien si tots els assistents s’organitzaven per grups, barrejant edats, i feien junts un macrojoc on es combinés el treball en equip amb la diversió. Donat l’entusiasme de tots els participants, els “vells” no van tenir altre remei que tornar el pastís i ho van fer plens d’alegria, ja que tothom havia col·laborat i tot junts havien descobert que són Joves La Salle.

A La Clau d’enguany han participat agrupaments i grups de tot el territori: La Traca de La Salle Premià, 7DE9 Joves La Salle i Splai Taula de La Salle Comtal, Agrupament EG Ben Enllà de La Salle Reus, Agrupament EG Erol de La Salle Sant Celoni, Esplai El Drop de La Salle Congrés, Agrupament EG GELSTO de La Salle Torreforta, Agrupament EG Ixent de La Salle Tarragona, Agrupament EG de La Salle Barceloneta i Grup Sol de Ponent de La Salle Mollerussa.

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