Lasalianos y amigonianos, juntos desde Alemania hasta Valencia en el Distrito Arlep

Un grupo de educadores amigonianos venidos de Gelsenkirchen, Alemania, acompañando a un grupo de chicos y chicas que residen en casas de acogida de la institución han venido a Valencia para disfrutar de unos días de descanso y repetir la experiencia que ya tuvieron el año pasado por estas fechas. Acompañados por miembros de los amigonianos de Valencia, y por miembros de La Salle, acudieron ayer al anfiteatro del colegio La Salle de Patena donde se les ha dado la bienvenida.


En el acto, Marcelo Viera, educador en los pisos de acogida La Salle Amigó ha dado la bienvenida a la expedición alemana, ha presentado a los cuidadores del grupo de chicos que pasaran estos días en Valencia y ha hablado del inicio del intercambio que tuvo lugar en Alemania. Y también ha hablado de la experiencia en la mochila para todos ellos que supone conocer otras culturas, otras realidades, compartirlas y saborearlas en cada momento.

Como objetivos de estos intercambios entre grupos de chavales está el compartir culturas, conocer nuevas realidades y conseguir que disfruten y que estas sean unas buenas experiencias que les marquen. También señaló Marcelo Viera que esta era la segunda vez que se hacían intercambios entre centros independientes no adscritos a la Fundación Amigó. Aquí participa La Salle, a través de la Fundación La Salle Acoge y Projecte Obert.

Los representantes alemanes de la expedición han dado las gracias por estar aquí y porque sienten que se les ha recibido con los brazos abiertos.

Juan Agustín Sánchez

South Sudan: Fr. Boccuccia (International Solidarity), “Between Hunger and Fear That Future Possible”

South Sudan: Fr. Boccuccia (International Solidarity), “Between Hunger and Fear That Future Possible”

“There is apparent calm in all major centers of the country, in reality this is a bomb about to explode.” writes from Juba Fr. Bill Firman, Lasallian, including the leaders of the Solidarity Project with South Sudan since 2007 operating in the country, supported by more than 220 male and female religious congregations, with 5 specific training projects with a great future.

distribution of water

“People are scared and hungry. Many have no shelter, no food. The cousin of a deacon was executed by soldiers at a check point on the sole ground that he was from the Nuer tribe. The border with Uganda remains closed. Many seek escape in vain. The airport, packed yesterday, is open, but only fly charter. Red Cross,Doctors Without Borders and many others have evacuated their staff. Yesterday twenty national security guards raided a hotel where they were several Australian and European and girls have been raped there. An American who tried to help them was shot in the foot. The decline of public order and the growing anarchy are huge problems. There is nervousness in other cities.”

Fr. Bill has still hears the blows of rifles in recent days: “around our house, the rockets in the sky, the compound of the Combonian Missionaries in the middle of a shootout; so around the cathedral in Kator and elsewhere. A story announced writes.

This is confirmed by, Br. Amilcare Boccuccia, 2007-2011 the project manager, “a Sudanese priest had told me years ago: “no doubt, we will vote the referendum, but it will  be followed by 100 years of civil war till we become a people. Sins of colonialism — which used ethnicities, already traditionally divided, in order to remove them further and control them; and then, the oil curse in a country that appears hardly explored, with proceeds used to placate the leaders of different factions and the people are hungry  of everything”, insisted Br. Bill: “The peace process has broken down. Reprisals will resume in other parts of the country where the rebels are the strongest. The government of South Sudan is bankrupt. It does not pay the soldiers and many other public employees, who end up stealing out of desperation. And we? We want to stay, to continue giving answers of life and a possible hope.”

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The invitation to visit South Sudan addressed to the Union of Superiors General comes from a bishop, and it was in 2006, after the signing of the Naivasha peace treaty that ended the second Sudanese civil war. An inter-congregations team explores it carefully. “Then  emerged the clear priority,” explains Br. Amilcare: “training.” Two areas were selected: “Education — served over 100,000 teachers — and health.” Today there are 264 qualified teachers. 175 currently engaged in training in the fourth year, 114 in that of the two-year period. Those involved in training a total of 3,443 that has seen teachers move to more distant communities to offer courses of study. Among the paramedics graduated 70 nurses and 19 midwives. In formation, another 100. Five training venues of the project in cities like: Malakal for education, to the north, now occupied by the Dinka, Wau, for health care, where the Comboni Sisters manage the Training Hospital; on the border with Congo, Rimenze for the advancement of women and thriving center of agricultural teaching and Yambio, for the training of teachers, an aspect which Lasallians are responsible. A team also for the pastoral care runs across the country to alleviate the trauma of conflict and offer new paths, with a further center, opening soon, at 16 km from Juba.

Over 5 million euro were collected to support the project in the first phase alone, between 2007 and 2011. Among the donors, the CEI, Italian parishes, but also many individuals and organizations in Spain, Ireland, Germany. “There is no  tradition in the past that gave these people the consciousness of being a people. We cannot run away. Only then we will have an equal relationship with them. We are called to invest, risking our life to sow the future.” (Laura Galimberti).

Recent Solidarity Group photo

Solidarity with Sudan South (SSS)  is a response to an invitation from the SCBC, the Episcopal Conference of Sudan. Advanced earlier by Bishop Joseph Gasi from the diocese of Tambura-Yambio and then by all the Bishops of the South of Sudan. After the visit of the delegation sent by UISG (International Union of Superiors General) and USG (Union of Superiors General) in March 2006 was established a new initiative called Solidarity with South Sudan. The initiative currently has more than 260 religious institutes supporters of the project, and 31 members in the field. 

Laura Galimberti

España – Celebración de los primeros votos de dos novicios de la RELEM

España – Celebración de los primeros votos de dos novicios de la RELEM

IMG_3724El día 23 de julio dos novicios de la RELEM, concretamente del Distrito de la ARLEP, celebraron su primera profesión religiosa. Se trataba de Sebastián Riera y Basilio de Lucas. Ambos novicios han vivido este año en la comunidad del Noviciado situada en Madrid, junto al novicio Polaco Mateusz Debski y los formadores Santos Maza y Esteban de Vega. Mateusz no ha hecho su primera profesión aún, porque espera al día 3 de septiembre para poder celebrarla en Polonia.

IMG_3726Los nuevos profesos eligieron como lema para la celebración una cita del profeta Isaías: “Aquí estoy, Señor”. Previamente, en el inicio del noviciado, habían elegido otra expresión también bíblica, en este caso, una pregunta: “¿A quién enviaré?”. De este modo, con el lema de la celebración de sus votos se cerraba el ciclo que abrieron al inicio del noviciado, sabiendo que la respuesta sólo la pueden dar si lo hacen sostenidos por la confianza en Dios y no en sus propias fuerzas.

Asistieron a la celebración un nutrido grupo de Hermanos, familiares, amigos, asociados, compañeras del internoviciado… y fue un día realmente entrañable, muy familiar y muy lasaliano.

IMG_3728Contamos con la presencia de dos Hermanos Consejeros Generales, el H. Aidan, Consejero General para la RELEM, y último responsable del Noviciado de la RELEM, y Rafa Matas, originario del Distrito de la ARLEP. Y, por supuesto, con la presencia del H. Visitador de la ARLEP, H. Jesús Miguel Zamora, y de todos sus visitadores auxiliares.

H. Vicente Esplugues, sacerdote del Verbum Dei que presidió la celebración, nos ofreció una bella reflexión sobre la grandeza de sentirnos vasijas de barro que llevan un precioso tesoro. Nos invitó a ser capaces de poner más la mirada en el tesoro, que es lo que Dios nos ofrece con su amor y su llamada, que en el barro que somos. Porque nuestro barro se siente siempre sostenido por el amor del Padre.

También fue la ocasión para el Hermano Martín Montoya, quien está estudiando en la Universidad de Lewis en los Estados Unidos, de renovar sus votos.

Italia – Assemblea generale dei Fratelli

Italia – Assemblea generale dei Fratelli

“Nuove prospettive per nuove dinamiche”

“Non partire da noi e dai nostri problemi, ma guardare fuori per riscoprire ciò a cui siamo chiamati, confrontarci con i problemi in modo diverso, generando dinamiche nuove”.

Un incontro – l’Assemblea generale dei Fratelli delle Scuole cristiane svoltasi a Roma dal 10 al 16 luglio – pensato, dopo 13 anni dall’ultima edizione, per “spiazzare” gli oltre 100 fratelli presenti.

Articolato il programma della settimana: l’ascolto di Dio che parla nel mondo con i contributi di fratel Jorge Gallardo de Alba, vicario generale, soffermatosi sulla necessità di sedimentare gli eventi e procedere lentamente per comprenderli, l’analisi del primo capitolo della regola e la presentazione di alcuni strumenti di lavoro per interiorizzarla: “diventare consapevoli della realtà personale e di ciò che ci circonda, illuminarla con la Parola di Dio che si fa preghiera e vera amicizia con gli uomini, applicando le riflessioni nella vita quotidiana”.

La fedeltà creativa al carisma e le esigenze dell’economia, a cura di Sr. Alessandra Smerilli, che ha evidenziato la necessità di porsi in ascolto dei segni dei tempi – tra sostenibilità economica, spirituale e relazionale – tornare a raccontarsi per riaccendere i cuori, incontrare le persone ferite, i dolori degli uomini e delle donne di oggi, dei più poveri.

In ascolto di Dio che parla nel silenzio, con le riflessioni di Padre Innocenzo Cardellini e il Giubileo vissuto nel pomeriggio di mercoledì 13 a San Giovanni in Laterano.

Infine l’ascolto come comunità per discernere le chiamate di Dio, sulla Infine l’ascolto come comunità per discernere le chiamate di Dio, sulla situazione della Regione lasalliana che comprende Europa e Medio Oriente – 23 paesi in 8 distretti ed una delegazione – proposta da fr. Aidan Kilty, Consigliere Generale che ha invitato ciascuno “ad uscire dai propri confini geografici, personali, ad andare oltre lo scoraggiamento, accettando le sfide poste alle istituzioni lasalliane, abbandonando la propria comfort zone, mettendo in secondo piano le esigenze personali, operazione possibile solo se forti di una intimità contemplativa con Dio, che rende testimoni del Risorto”.

Due esperienze concrete infine “per farci ridare da fuori lo zelo per la nostra missione” sottolinea Fr. Enrico Muller, tra gli organizzatori: Padre Eugenio Brambilla, Barnabita sulle scuole di seconda opportunità che ha evidenziato nel suo intervento “la necessità di accostarsi al disagio in termini positivi, pensando alla periferia come una opportunità e risorsa, ridando la parola a chi non ce l’ha” e Andrea Monda, insegnante di religione, giornalista, ex studente lasalliano, sulla grandezza e bellezza che la professione educativa offre, perchè ha sottolineato nella sua testimonianza ricca di esperienze significative maturate al De Merode di Roma, “educare non è occupare spazi ma generare processi”, in sintesi “amare”.

Sabato 16 le conclusioni per uscire insieme “fuori dall’accampamento” con direzioni condivise. A presiedere la celebrazione eucaristica Mons Carballo ofm, Segretario della Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di vita apostolica.

Lasallians in Turkey

Our thoughts and prayers are with all our Lasallians and their fellow citizens at this time in Turkey as the country comes to the terms with the recent failed coup attempt.


There are three Lasallian colleges in Turkey, two in Istanbul, St Joseph’s and St Michel’s, and one in Izmir, St Joseph’s. In accordance with an agreement between the Turkish and French Governments, these three colleges function as French lycées with the Directors of the colleges appointed from France.

M. Michel Bertet, the MEL Co-ordinator for the Sector of Turkey, has been in touch with our Lasallian colleagues in Turkey and with Brother Fadi, Visitor of Proche Orient, and he assures us that the situation with regard to our Lasallian colleges is quiet as of now although the future clearly remains uncertain. There are two elderly French Brothers, one in Istanbul and the other in Izmir, who presently support the Lasallian mission in the country.

We join the Turkish people in praying for a peaceful resolution to the present crisis.

Br. Aidan Kilty
General Councillor for RELEM

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