Finale du concours d’éloquence des 5èmes

L’art oratoire n’a (presque) plus de secrets pour les 5èmes C !

Vendredi 6 janvier, le concours d’éloquence initié avant les vacances de Noël par Monsieur Vodé – Educateur à La Roche – s’est achevé sur un duel oratoire au sommet !

Après les sujets tels que « Aller en Italie ou en Russie ? », « Parler de toutes les langues ou jouer de tous les instruments ? » ou encore « Vaut-il mieux être le Roi de France ou le Pape ? », défendus à tour de rôle par les 32 élèves de 5èmes C, nos deux finalistes M. Namy et A. Gautier de Charnacé ont du relever le défi suivant : convaincre leurs camarades de ne jamais aller au cinéma !

Malgré l’indéniable talent de persuasion de nos deux élèves, M. Namy a su convaincre le plus largement son public d’abandonner toute envie de retourner dans les salles de projection.

Retour des 5èmes C sur cette expérience nouvelle : il est très difficile de convaincre l’autre de quelque chose dont on n’est pas persuadé soi-même !

Christmas Packages along the Danube Project

Monday, December 12, was completed the international educational project, Christmas Packages along the Danube, promoted by the organization “Danube-Networkers for Europe” (DANET).

It was a widespread activity, as there were 50 direct participants (the School Associations and cultural organizations) from 11 countries. There were sent around 150 Christmas packages.

In the educational community of our school, we were glad that we had the opportunity to interact with students and teachers from Bulgaria, Germany and Slovakia, two colleges from Bratislava – Slovakia – and Illertissen – Germany – part of the vast network of educational lasallian centers from RELEM – European and Mediterranean Lasallian Region.

Visit of General Councilors Brothers Rafael Matas Rossello and Gustavo Ramirez to Rumania

On 5 December 2016 we had the honor of receiving the visit of two General Councilor Brothers from the Congregation of the Christian Brothers Schools namely Br. Rafael Matas Rossello, from Spain, responsible in the Congregation for Lasallian vocations and for the Lasallian Family and Br. Gustavo Ramirez, from Mexico in charge in the Congregation with the Association and with the Lasallian Educational Mission.

The meeting was attended by representatives of students, teachers, and non-teaching staff within our school, and the Signum Fidei group representatives.

The purpose of our guests’ visit was to know the reality of the Lasallian Educational Mission and of the Association in order to achieve this Mission in the two educational centers from Pildeşti and Iaşi.

Pedagogical-lasallian training day in Rumania

Saturday, November 26, took place the first pedagogical-lasallian training day for teachers and educators during this school year. The theme of the meeting was: A Call, several voices: Living spirituality in a secular world.

Besides the debates on the essay with the same title, presented by Br. Vicenţiu Ghiurca, the day schedule also included moments of prayer and personal reflection and a brotherly meal.

At the end of the same week, Ms. Cercel Teofilia who is a teacher in our school participated in Salzburg, Austria at a pedagogical-lasallian training session organized by Lasallian Academy Central Europe.

Brother Daniel Ciobanu and Claudia Dimişca, from the Placement Centre “House La Salle” in Iaşi also participated at this training session.

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