La interculturalidad centrará el Día Escolar de la Paz en La Salle

El colegio La Salle El Carmen de Melilla celebrará hoy el Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz con un acto en el que se pondrá en valor la convivencia intercultural que hay en la ciudad autónoma con la presencia de los responsables de las cuatro comunidades religiosas: cristiana, musulmana, hebrea e hindú.

En una nota de prensa, el centro educativo explicó que este acto “sencillo pero cargado de significado” tendrá lugar a partir de las doce de la mañana en el patio del colegio, “donde se gritará fuerte y claro que la paz es posible”, ya que estará centrado en la idea de “juntos por la paz, un sueño, una realidad”.

Para ello, y aprovechando que Melilla “es un ejemplo de convivencia y respeto a la diferencia” entre las diferentes culturas y religiones, se ha organizado este acto, en el que habrá distintos bailes realizados por parte de los alumnos, y lo cerrará el himno de la alegría “con una hermosa canción ‘Amanzing Grace’, que es un canto a la gracia y a la esperanza en que el cambio es posible”.

Representantes de las diferentes comunidades religiosas respaldarán el acto, como son el presidente de la comunidad israelita, Jaime Azancot Cánovas; el presidente de la comunidad Islámica, Dris Mohamed Amar; y el presidente de la comunidad hindú, Ramesh Ranchad Nanwany, mientras que la comunidad cristiana estará representada por el Hermano Crescencio Terrazas Olalla.

Creative Landscapes

After the very profitable and joyful Christmas break, we were ready to go back on track full of energy!.

Our excitement was increased as we found that some animals were waiting for us. However, these animals were quite different in comparison to the ones we are used to. We were immersed into different habitats such as the jungle, the mountains, the city, the desert, and the river. Then the big question was: who lives where?

All of us together with our teachers discovered that, for example, the vulture is a carnivorous animal living in the desert. Also, the cheetah camouflages into its habitat thanks to its fur. Oh, and let’s not forget the salmon, that fish that jumps so high that it can go over all the rocks and swims long distances counterflow. One of the most impressive animals is the snake that can be found in all the habitats we are learning!

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All these amazing things and more will be taken into practice via different techniques such as stamping, shaping modelling, musical techniques, and so on.

There would have been no better way to start this new term. We are so looking forward to all the new places and animals that we have yet to meet!


3rd ESO Tell me more activity: New Year’s Resolutions

2017 is already here, have you all made your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t you know what they are? It’s easy, they are promises that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year, and the students of 3rd of ESO are aware of the fact that many of them should change some habits if they want to succeed in 2017.

So during the first week of school after Christmas break, the students of 3rd of ESO have been discussing about the most popular resolutions and then they made their own. Now it’s time to stick to them! Happy New Year!


Festiviat de Sant Antoni a Infantil – La Salle La Seu d’Urgell

El passat dia 17 de gener  festivitat de Sant Antoni, com ja es tradicional, els nens i nenes d´Educació Infantil vam sortir al carrer a gaudir de la festa. Molt abrigats amb gorros i bufandes vam anar al passeig on ja estaven preparades les olles, i també tots els ingredients  per fer l’escudella . Els cuiners ens van donar botifarra i vull , estava tot boníssim… Gràcies!

Ens va agradar molt i esperem tornar-hi l’any vinent.


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