10.000 alumnos participan en la jornada ‘La Salle sueña Ciencia’ en el Sector Valencia Palma

– La jornada se celebra de forma simultánea el viernes 31 de marzo en los 12 colegios La Salle de la Comunidad Valenciana, Islas Baleares y Teruel

– Los alumnos de la ESO y Bachillerato enseñarán a los de Infantil y Primaria experimentos de física, matemáticas o química

10.000 alumnos de los 12 colegios de La Salle en la Comunidad Valenciana, Islas Baleares y Teruel compartirán este viernes 31 de marzo en sus respectivos centros la jornada ‘La Salle sueña ciencia’, una iniciativa del equipo de trabajo ‘Proyecto Natura‘ en el que participan todos los centros educativos de La Salle de estas dos comunidades autónomas y de la provincia de Teruel.

La idea surge de los encargados del ‘Proyecto Natura’ de todos los centros, que forman parte de los diferentes departamentos de ciencias, para celebrar “un día de ciencia experimental” en la que los alumnos de cursos superiores (3º, 4º eso, 1º Bach.) guiarán experiencias de “laboratorio” con compañeros de cursos de Educación Primaria/Infantil.

El objetivo de esta jornada, que se repetirá todos los años, es promover las vocaciones y el interés por la ciencia.

Entre los diferentes experimentos que realizarán los alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato junto a sus compañeros de Infantil y Primaria podemos destacar como experimentos de Física, Matemáticas o Química: Arquímedes y lentejas, centro de gravedad, Ley de Palanca, Separación Magnética, el extintor invisible, tres velas y un misterio, el almidón… no engaña, presión y volumen, péndulos resonantes o cómo hacer un densímetro.

Towards the Declaration of Lasallian Pedagogy – Understanding Lasallian School in the context of the 21st century

On 24 and 25 March 2017 was held at the “La Salle” Monastery, Iasi, Romania, the second lasallian pedagogical training meeting addressed to educators and teachers from the two lasallian centers. The topic of the meeting was: Towards the Declaration of Lasallian Pedagogy – Understanding Lasallian School in the context of the 21st century. Through this work we wanted to join thousands of lasallian teachers that during this period are invited to contribute in achieving the Declaration on Lasallian Pedagogy in accordance with the timetable proposed by CIAMEL – International Council for the Lasallian Educational Mission.

The discussions and reflections on the proposed document aroused great interest and the contribution of those present will materialize in a note that will be referred to the committee which is responsible for writing the first draft of the noted document. We like to contribute further to the success of this initiative of drafting the Declaration on Lasallian Pedagogy.

“Look further … Look to the future!” – Romania

After school partnerships were concluded with the middle schools from Pildeşti and Gherăeşti, on 4 March and 11 March 2007, were held the educational-recreational activities organized by Technological High School “St. John Baptist de La Salle” with 8th grade pupils from these two schools.

The theme of the meetings was “Look further … Look to the future!”.

The objectives were: to encourage student involvement in the information process in the educational, professional and vocational training; involving the students from both schools in common extracurricular activities to help develop the spirit of team cooperation that will lead to increased quality of communication between students, between communities, between different environments, analysis capacity and responsible decision in choosing a personal training path.

The two activities were attended by about 80 students. Through these activities we want to make known our education center and its activities.

Visit to the Placement Center “House La Salle” in Iasi

With great joy and enthusiasm on March 5, 2017, 14 students accompanied by four teachers from Technological High School “St. John Baptist de La Salle” have visited the children and youth from the Placement Center “House La Salle” in Iasi. The visit is part of a series of activities proposed in the partnership between the two institutions.

After attending Mass, beneficiaries of the center and our students had the possibility to meet, to have a dialogue and to participate in organized recreational activities.

The meeting ended with a fraternal meal and a desire for more similar meetings. During the visit were offered the proceeds from the Advent Solidarity Campaign – “By giving, you will get!” a campaign involving students, teachers, parents and former students of our school. May God reward all those who contributed to this campaign!

Local and county school competition – Romania

In February, in Romania, is held a local and county school competition called the Olympics. Our students participated in the contest on technical subjects in their areas of training: Construction, Installations and Public Works and Electronics and Automation.

At the written and practical tests conducted at the county level our students have obtained the following results: Construction, Installations and Public Works, 1 st place Dămoc Mădălina Tatiana –12 th grade; 2 nd place Farcaş Alin Mihai, 11 th grade, 8 th place – Mihal Emanuel 11 th grade and 10 th place – Mărtişcă Claudiu, 11 th grade. In the field of Electronics and Automation we had the following results: 1 st place Iştoc Robert, 11 th grade, 2 nd place: Mărtişcă Vicenţiu, 11 th grade, 3 rd place, Mărtinaş Egidiu, 11 th grade and 6 th place – Burcă Cristina, 12 th grade. Iştoc Robert and Dămoc Mădălina Tatiana will represent our school and Neamt county, in the national stage of the Olympics because they obtained the best results at the county level.

Congratulations to all students and teachers for the results!

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