To mark the beginning of the tercentenary since the death of Saint John-Baptiste de la Salle, La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL yesterday held an act that brought together members of the whole educational community: students, teachers, administration and services staff.

Attended by members of the Lasalliannetwork with: Br. Josep Canal, President of the Board and Assistant Visitor ofthe ARLEP district; Jordi Jover, Director of La Salle Catalunya; JosepIglesias, Delegate for Pedagogy and Innovation; and Isabel Soler, Delegate forTraining and Identity. Various authorities from Ramon Llull University werealso in attendance, represented by the university’s dean, Dr Josep MariaGarrell, as well as Dr Carlo Gallucci, Vice-Dean for International Relationsand Students.
Josep M. Santos, General Director of LaSalle URL, opened the event, praising the 300 years of the entity’s history asa global network which continues to be faithful to its mission of humane andChristian education for children and young people, while at the same timecreating a strong, creative and innovative community that gives it strength forthe future. Brother Josep Canal, Assistant Visitor of the ARLEP district, spokeof the importance of the past 300 years of history, drawing a symbolic linkbetween Brother Mateo, who has been at La Salle since the 1950s, and a young Campus student who is now seeing in the next 300 years of the institution’shistory. For his part, Josep Maria Garrell, Rector of URL, recalled that”any project that lasts 300 years must be a good project”, stressingthe shared values of Ramon Llull University and La Salle.

3300 people from the Campus, one for each year ofcelebration, came together to form La Salle’s tercentenary logo andcommemorative events began with the revealing of two banners that will remainin place for the rest of the year.00 people from the Campus, one for each year ofcelebration, came together to form La Salle’s tercentenary logo andcommemorative events began with the revealing of two banners that will remainin place for the rest of the year.