
C´est avec plaisir que je vous envoie dans les trois langues officielles de l´Institut le Nº 1 de la nouvelle publication « Vocations » réalisée  par la Commission des Vocations Lasalliennes suivant l´approbation du Conseil général.

Je vous prie de bien vouloir la faire parvenir à tous les Frères, communautés et institutions éducatives ainsi qu´aux Associés, collaborateurs laïcs (en particulier à ceux qui travaillent directement dans la Pastorale des Jeunes et des Vocations), à tous les Signum Fidei et à tous ceux qui devraient l´avoir si vous le jugez opportun.

I am pleased  to send  you the first issue of the new publication “Vocations”  in the three official languages of the Institute. It has been drafted  by the Commission of Lasallian Vocations, following the approval of the General Council.

Please send it to all Brothers, communities and educational institutions as well as Associates, lay collaborators (especially those working directly in Youth and Vocations Ministry), all Signum Fidei members and to those you deem it suitable.

Con mi cordial saludo reciba en los tres idiomas oficiales del Instituto el Nº 1 de la nueva publicación “Vocaciones” realizado por la Comisión para las Vocaciones Lasalianas” conforme a su plan aprobado por el Consejo General.

 Ruego lo haga llegar a todos los Hermanos, comunidades y Obras Educativas así como a los Asociados, Colaboradores seglares (especialmente a quienes colaboran directamente con la Pastoral Juvenil y Vocacional) y a los Signum Fidei. Y a todos quienes usted considere oprtuno remitir.

2016-11-24-1  2016-11-24-2  2016-11-24-3

Frère Rafa Matas,

Conseiller général

Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem makes 1.5 million dollar gift to Bethlehem University

His Excellency Michael J. Ruck, KGCHS, Lieutenant of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, announced at the annual Investiture that the Lieutenancy has made a gift in the amount of $1,500,000.00 to Bethlehem University.  The gift underwrites the University’s current Institute for Community Partnership (ICP) Expansion Project.  The building, once completed, will be named in honor of the late Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, His Eminence John Patrick Cardinal Foley.  The Lieutenancy first learned about the upcoming project from Mr. John Schlageter, Executive Director of the Bethlehem University Foundation.


The funds come from a bequest to the Lieutenancy from the Estate of Lady Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko.  A portion of her estate was entrusted to the Lieutenancy by Lady Rose to assist in the charitable works of the Lieutenancy.

His Excellency, Michael Ruck, Lieutenant of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy, USA, said:

“The work of Bethlehem University is at the heart of the mission of our Order.   As the only Catholic University in the Holy Land, Bethlehem University gives daily support to the remaining Christian Community.  Additionally, the University is creating an environment where all live in peace in the hope for a better future.  Having recently returned from a visit to the Holy Land I cannot think of a more fitting way to honor the life and legacy of Cardinal Foley while also fulfilling the wishes of Lady Rose than by supporting Bethlehem University.”

Known as an, “oasis of peace,” in a land characterized by conflict, Bethlehem University was created following the historic 1964 visit of Blessed Pope Paul VI to the Holy Land.  The University is a joint venture between the Holy See (Vatican) and the De La Salle Christian Brothers.  It is the only Catholic/Christian university in the Holy Land.  As such, the University serves as one of the few remaining hopes for maintaining a Christian presence in the Holy Land.  The mission of the University is to provide quality higher education to the people of Palestine and to serve them in its role as a center for the advancement, sharing, and use of knowledge. Bethlehem University aspires to foster shared values, moral principles, and dedication to serving the common good.

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, said:

“I am ever mindful that Bethlehem University would not exist but for the generosity of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.   Once again, the Order has led the way by giving their direct support to the work of the University.  Once completed, the ICP Expansion will be a fitting testament to the life of His Eminence John Patrick Cardinal Foley – a great friend of Bethlehem University on whom I had the privilege of bestowing an honorary doctorate shortly before his death. It will also serve as a testament to the long and lasting relationship that exists between the University and the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in our joint ministry of supporting the Christian Communities in the Holy Land.  I thank the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy for their extreme generosity in support of Bethlehem University.”

John Schlageter, Executive Director of the Bethlehem University Foundation, said:

“I am thrilled that the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre has once again taken the lead in supporting Bethlehem University.  My membership in the Order is what motivated me to accept this newly created position 5 months ago.  I am honored that the Foundation was able to play a role in securing this substantial gift for the University.  The generosity of the Middle Atlantic Lieutenancy and Lady Rose will allow Bethlehem University to continue to serve as an oasis of peace in the Holy Land.”

Encuentro de los participantes de RELEM en el CIL

El Hno. Aidan Kilty ha tenido un breve encuentro de saludo y de presentación de los procesos y proyectos de RELEM para la formación de los formadores y para la preparación de la Asamblea de MEL regional que tendrá lugar en Octubre de 2018.


Estas sesiones de formación están especialmente dedicadas a la formación en el carisma y misión lasalianos.


Encuentro del Consejo de Administración de ASSEDIL

París: el 17 y 18 de octubre.


En estos dos días ha tenido lugar la reunión prevista del Consejo de Administración de ASSEDIL que ha coincidido con el encuentro del equipo MEL de RELEM.

Además de los temas ordinarios, la reflexión se ha centrado en la preparación del próximo Congreso que tendrá lugar en abril en Tenerife y en la preparación y organización del Curso/Seminario para directivos de RELEM que tendrá lugar en octubre en Roma.

El Consejo de Administración ha contado con la presencia de los Consejeros Generales Hnos. Aidan Kilty y Gustavo Ramírez.

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