ASSEDIL Gathering takes place at end of March

The ASSEDIL Gathering will take place on March 25th and 26th this year from 9.30am to 11am GMT (10.30am to Noon in Malta) as a way of supporting each other in these difficult times. The theme of this online meeting will be: ‘You are part of the Miracle’. This meeting will span two half days, allowing for the sharing of experiences of solidarity during the pandemic and for a celebratory cross-border get-together. We will keep you updated with details about the programme but here we simply wanted to give you a brief outline of the content of the gathering. This will include:

• How are we experiencing the pandemic – using videos from different Districts illustrating their responses.

• What are our students saying? We will ask them to briefly to speak about their hopes for post-COVID-19, illustrating one thing that they are looking forward to.

• We will have a short presentation from a psychologist speaking about the impact of COVID 19 on young people.

• We will finish with a short Lasallian celebration, using music and other material from the countries of the Region, as a means of encouragement and support.

More details of the programme will follow closer to the time.