A party fit for the Romans! – St. John’s College

On Wednesday (14 December) Years 3 and 4 finished off their Roman and Celts History project, with a day of celebrations.

Throughout the morning pupils took part in a range of crafty activities. They made: Christmas mosaics, using coloured stickers to create a festive picture to take home; leaf headdresses, ready to wear to the roman party, and roman numeral bookmarks, a challenging task where the children had to write their date of birth in roman numerals, and then decorated with their favourite patterns and colours.

St John's College Junior School

St John's College Junior School

St John's College Junior School

St John's College Junior School

After lunch it was time for ‘Strictly Come Marching’ where, in their groups, pupils competed for the best Roman Emperor march!   The scores were collated before the children marched back to class for the Roman Quiz…

Earlier in the day pupils spent time researching and recapping on the work they have done over the term, to come up with a quiz question. Teams were quizzed on roman numerals, food, weapons and Rome amongst many other topics.  It was a closely contested game with all teams doing well to score so highly:

A huge thank you to all our Year 3 and 4 parents for providing a magnificent array of food for the Roman Feast.  We are also grateful for their help with the children’s amazing costumes, which made the day so memorable.

St John's College Junior School

St John's College Junior School

Years 3 and 4 have had an excellent time learning about the Romans and Celts and the children have thoroughly enjoyed their day of celebrations.