On Sunday, 31 March 2019, in the splendid Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Valletta, the process of beatification and canonization of Brother Louis Camilleri, FSC, began.
Brother Louis was born in Zurrieq, Malta on 1 September 1923. When was 17 he entered the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Beziers, France for the postulancy, novitiate and scholasticate. On Easter Sunday 1948 he pronounced final vows and returned to Malta and De La Salle College, Vittoriosa.
In July 1971, he moved to Stella Maris College, Gzira, where, the following year, he was appointed Sub Director. In early 1980 he was named provincial for Malta. Later on he founded the Malta branch of “Signum Fidei” and was moderator for this branch until the end of his life on 29 May 2011.
The reputation for holiness, which Brother Louis already possessed in his lifetime, has been spreading ever more since his death. The servant of God already has a multitude of devotees not only in Malta, but also in other countries where the Brothers of the Christian Schools dedicate themselves to the ministry of human and Christian education.
Brother Louis’ great love for the young to whom he devoted his whole life, his numerous good works, his unlimited trust in Providence, and his great virtues have aroused the admiration of all those who knew him and have attracted young people to be part of his religious institute.
The canonization of Brother Louis will help to keep alive his spirit of service to young people and will serve as an example and model for those who seek a way to give meaning to their lives.